Attempt to build gnucash(master) via Msys2/jhbuild

John Ralls jralls at
Sun Sep 3 00:46:48 EDT 2017

> On Sep 2, 2017, at 12:57 PM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at> wrote:
> So I revived a Windows 7 Professional 64bit PC that was collecting dust in the 
> corner to become a test builder for Gnucash on Windows (master).
> In the process of getting this set up and running I ran into a number of 
> issues. I've duly written bug reports to track them all:
> I managed to get past most of them (though they're not fixed yet), but I'm 
> stuck on the last one: MSys2/Jhbuild fails to find swig in gnucash configure 
> step
> I'll need some help understanding why this is happening and how to get past 
> it. The full output of the configure step is in the bug report.
> I know John is afk so I may have to wait for his return, but I figured to 
> report my effort so far.


IIRC that was affected by which shell one uses. In July I was using a Win7 VM (and BTW don’t remember any trouble with the Powershell version) and the MSYS2 shell did the right thing. This last week I’ve been working in a Win10 VM and the MINGW32 shell is the one that works right. I’d put that down to MinGW64 updates between creating the two environments but I suppose that it’s also possible that it depends on the OS version.

Bottom line, try the other one from what you’ve been using.

John Ralls

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