"What's New" for 3.0

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Sun Jan 21 21:16:38 EST 2018

It's about time to think about the side stuff that goes with a major release. Chris Lam has offered a PR (https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-docs/pull/106) documenting his substantial enhancements to the Transaction Report and included a bunch of "NEW! in 3.0" bullets. Given the way documentation is(n't) maintained I think it wise not to bury something like that in a chapter, and besides we need a summary document explaining everything that's changed between 2.6 and 3.0.

We had until the 2.6.14 docs a "What's New section in the Guide's overview chapter that had last been updated for Version 2.2. It obviously turned into an embarrassing example of how we keep such things up-to-date. I don't think we should do it again.

How about a "What's New in 3.0" page on the website? If we go with that, what's the best way to collaborate in building it?

John Ralls

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