[GNC-dev] Gnucash not showing the correct locale

Marco Rossi marco at markreds.it
Wed Jul 3 09:46:38 EDT 2019

Hi everybody,
I’m experiencing an issue with Gnucash 3.6.1 installed on macOS Mojave 10.14.5. My default language is “italian” but Gnucash always run in english.
When trying to start the application from the Terminal I’ve got this warning:

(process:6569): gnc.gui-WARNING **: 15:31:44.760: [mac_set_languages()] Language list: it:it_IT
The locale defined in the environment isn't supported. Falling back to the 'C' (US English) locale

Anybody else has got the same issue? I’ve searched for some infos about this but with no success.

Marco Rossi <marco at markreds.it>
Inviato dal suo MacBookPro

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