[GNC-dev] archive of GnuCash

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Wed Nov 13 08:13:08 EST 2019

Op woensdag 13 november 2019 05:28:30 CET schreef Stephen M. Butler:
> On 11/12/19 7:56 PM, John Ralls wrote:
> > No. Anything involving make, ninja, cmake, gcc, clang, guild, etc. is a
> > build operation and should happen in a build directory. So after getting
> > the clone to the commit you want and assuming that the clone is in a
> > directory named gnucash.git:
> > 
> > mkdir ../gnucash-build && cd ../gnucash-build
> > cmake -DWHATEVER_OPTIONS ../gnucash.git
> > make dist
> > 
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls
> Thanks John.  I discovered that make dist didn't work in the git
> repository.  Tried the cmake/make route but that threw errors.  Rebooted
> and read your email.  Tried again and it worked.
> However, comparing the tar.gz from Sourceforge and the one created by
> the above starts off with this difference (and proceeds for pages).  I
> suspect something on my machine must be newer than when the sourceforge
> distribution was created.
> I'm too tired to figure out the next steps but I'm aiming to see if I
> can get sbuild to work on the tar.gz files. 
You didn't specify in more detail which differences you see ?



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