[GNC-dev] Bug 797439 Rewrite of Guide Importing section

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Wed Oct 2 02:04:48 EDT 2019

The Help Manual has recently been rewritten to primarily describe the
interfaces and dialogs. In the main for the standardized formats
(OFX?QFX,MT940, MT942, DTAUS and QIF the process is pretty straight forward
and it is just follow the dialog which is adequately covered in the Help
Manual. CSV as an open format is not quite so straight forward.

I am proposing rewriting the guide section with examples of importing CSV
data starting with a single line minimal information data set, then moving
on to an example of a multiline multi-split and finishing off with examples
of importing multicurrency data and importing stock data. I am not going to
cover every possible contingency but am going to try and create examples
which illustrate some common stumbling blocks and the key points that need
to be addressed. I have created a small dummy set of books with dummy
transactions of each type. I will use this to export data in the single line
and multiline formats and  the CoA. I think it may be useful to illustrate
importing a CoA in this section as an initial step before reimporting the
exported data.

I would also propose an initial section illustrating the single line and
multiline export formatted data I will reimport with a discussion of the
limitations on importing for the minimal data set - i.e. the need for the
matcher to identify the transfer/destination accounts.

i am going to trawl the archives of Gnucash-user to see if I can idnetify
common stumbling blocks but would also appreciate any direct feedback before
I get underway

David Cousens

David Cousens
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