[GNC-dev] Building debian files within Docker

Dale Phurrough dale at hidale.com
Thu Sep 12 08:49:19 EDT 2019

I'm not the best source for supporting Ubuntu. Ubuntu has rich communities
that are better suited to support ubuntu and apt.

Though...reading the error message, it suggests that you have a http proxy
somewhere between the 'apt' and the deb repository. And that this proxy
isn't configured to allow the needed connectivity.
Also in the error message is port 3142. Cross-referencing that port and
some of the above google results....
....are you using apt-catcher or apt-catcher-ng or something like it? That
port, with that software, with that error appears several times with
google. Below link writes specific configuration is needed with that


After you get apt running, and then Docker is install, happy to help with
the dev-docker containers. :-)


On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 12:25 AM Stephen M. Butler <kg7je at arrl.net> wrote:

> I tried.  Got rid of the snap version of docker and then hung up on this
> step:
> sudo add-apt-repository \
> >    "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
> >    $(lsb_release -cs) \
> >    stable"
> Err:1 https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu disco InRelease
>   Invalid response from proxy: HTTP/1.0 403 CONNECT denied (ask the
> admin to allow HTTPS tunnels)     [IP: 3142]
> Hit:2 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu disco
> InRelease
> Hit:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco
> InRelease
> Hit:4 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco
> InRelease
> Hit:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-security
> InRelease
> Hit:6 http://ppa.launchpad.net/malteworld/ppa/ubuntu bionic
> InRelease
> Hit:7 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-updates
> InRelease
> Hit:8 http://ppa.launchpad.net/subsurface/subsurface/ubuntu disco
> InRelease
> Hit:9 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-backports InRelease
> Hit:10 http://ppa.launchpad.net/teejee2008/ppa/ubuntu disco InRelease
> Reading package lists... Done
> W: Failed to fetch
> https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/disco/InRelease  Invalid
> response from proxy: HTTP/1.0 403 CONNECT denied (ask the admin to allow
> HTTPS tunnels)     [IP: 3142]
> W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
> ones used instead.
> So, how do I allow HTTPS tunnels?
> --Steve
> On 9/10/19 6:27 PM, Dale Phurrough wrote:
> > I'm not a good resource to troubleshoot snap. In the error message you
> > got, it gave a url. I clicked and there's a lot of information at that
> > post on the topic. Perhaps it can help you.
> >
> > Meanwhile, the stable docker 19.03 just appeared today on Docker's
> > official package repos. And it supports Ubuntu Disco. You can use
> > https://get.docker.com/ if you want for easy install. Or follow the
> > written instructions
> > at https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/
> >
> > Timing! ;-)
> >
> > --Dale
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 12:23 AM Stephen M. Butler <kg7je at arrl.net
> > <mailto:kg7je at arrl.net>> wrote:
> >
> >     Dale,
> >
> >     I got the message about missing /snap/bin in the Path, but it is
> >     there.
> >     Any ideas on how to proceed?
> >
> >     steve at SteveLaptop:~$ sudo snap install docker
> >     Connect docker:firewall-control to core:firewall-control
> >              Warning: /snap/bin was not found in your $PATH. If you've
> not
> >     restarted your session since you
> >              installed snapd, try doing that. Please see
> >     https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/9469 for more
> >              details.
> >
> >     docker 18.06.1-ce from Canonical✓ installed
> >
> >     steve at SteveLaptop:~$ echo $PATH
> >
>  /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
> >
> >     steve at SteveLaptop:~$ snap version
> >     snap    2.41
> >     snapd   2.41
> >     series  16
> >     ubuntu  19.04
> >     kernel  5.0.0-27-generic
> >
> >     steve at SteveLaptop:~$ cat /etc/os-release
> >     NAME="Ubuntu"
> >     VERSION="19.04 (Disco Dingo)"
> >     ID=ubuntu
> >     ID_LIKE=debian
> >     PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 19.04"
> >     VERSION_ID="19.04"
> >     HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/"
> >     SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/"
> >     BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/"
> https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy"
> >     VERSION_CODENAME=disco
> >     UBUNTU_CODENAME=disco
> >
> >     steve at SteveLaptop:~$ ps
> >       PID TTY          TIME CMD
> >      2746 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
> >      4469 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
> >
> >     And I can see the /snap/bin folder.
> >
> >     --Steve
> >
> >     On 9/9/19 6:12 AM, Dale Phurrough wrote:
> >     > Hi, thanks for checking in. I've never tested using the dev-docker
> >     > containers to build .deb within them. Long-term I would like it to
> >     > build containerized apps like snap, flatpak, etc. and maybe
> >     deb's come
> >     > along for free.
> >     >
> >     > I vaguely remember reading "each package manager/person maintains
> >     > their own blahblah to create their distro's packages" If that's
> true
> >     > and this package metadata it isn't centrally kept by the core
> >     GnuCash
> >     > team...then I suspect it's technically possible to build deb
> >     packages
> >     > within the containers (since they are full OSs), but that the
> >     GnuCash
> >     > team doesn't yet have it automated because they don't
> >     coordinate/have
> >     > the packager(s) metadata for each distro.
> >     >
> >     > True, no stable release of a Docker package to run on Disco yet.
> >     As an
> >     > alternative, you could run the testing release of Docker.
> >     Or...run the
> >     > snap for Docker. Running the snap removes your OS version conflict
> +
> >     > gives you the stable Docker 18.06 which is a very well tested
> >     and rich
> >     > version of Docker.  https://snapcraft.io/docker  By that webpage,
> >     > disco is the 2nd most popular OS on which it runs.
> >     >
> >     > --Dale
> >     >
> >     > On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 4:10 AM Stephen M. Butler <kg7je at arrl.net
> >     <mailto:kg7je at arrl.net>
> >     > <mailto:kg7je at arrl.net <mailto:kg7je at arrl.net>>> wrote:
> >     >
> >     >     Dale,
> >     >
> >     >     Are you able to build debian (*.deb) packages within your
> >     various
> >     >     Ubuntu
> >     >     docker environments?
> >     >
> >     >     Disco (Ubuntu 19.04) complains about Docker not being available
> >     >     for this
> >     >     version.
> >     >
> >     >     --
> >     >     Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
> >     >     Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com
> >     <mailto:Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com>
> >     <mailto:Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com
> >     <mailto:Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com>>
> >     >     kg7je at arrl.net <mailto:kg7je at arrl.net>
> >     <mailto:kg7je at arrl.net <mailto:kg7je at arrl.net>>
> >     >     253-350-0166
> >     >     -------------------------------------------
> >     >     GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477
> >     0385 81D8
> >     >
> >
> >     --
> >     Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
> >     Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com <mailto:Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com>
> >     kg7je at arrl.net <mailto:kg7je at arrl.net>
> >     253-350-0166
> >     -------------------------------------------
> >     GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8
> >
> --
> Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
> Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com
> kg7je at arrl.net
> 253-350-0166
> -------------------------------------------
> GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8

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