[GNC-dev] About 3.9 and reconciliation balances

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Fri Apr 17 19:17:35 EDT 2020


> From an implementation point of view I'd structure this slightly
> differently:
> 1. instead of adding an account property with a list of reconciliation
> history, I would introduce a
> new object, like a "statement" This object would have the fields you
> mention before (date of
> reconciliation, statement start date, statement starting balance,
> statement end date) and some
> more:
> *statement id* - most bank statements has a unique number which may be
> helpful to track
> *statement ending balance* - particularly useful to verify manual
> transaction entries. If you
> explicitly enter a start and ending balance in addition to the
> transactions themselves, amount
> typos will be caught by the numbers no longer adding up.
> *account" - the account this statement refers to.
> Lastly each split should get an additional field "statement id" referring
> to the statement which
> includes it. The split "reconciliation date" field would no longer be
> necessary. That info is
> encapsulated in the associated statement.
> This mapping would be much closer to the real world order of things:
> * during reconciliation a split is matched to a line on a statement
> * each split can be linked to only one statement
> * in case of reconciliation trouble in the past, the extra statement
> details make it easier to dig
> up the related external source (there's a statement id in addition to a
> reconciliation date).
> * it is more clear which splits were reconciled together - they are tied
> to the same statement,
> where in the past there was only a reconciliation date, which may have
> been wrong for various
> reasons.

I also agree that this is a good way to implemnet the idea. It meets what i
had in mind for a reconciliation history much better.


David Cousens
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