[GNC-dev] Fwd: Testing python

andygoblins andygoblins at gmx.com
Thu Apr 23 18:37:37 EDT 2020

I'm building from git master. I just run "ninja build" without an install and do my testing straight from the build directory.

The last commit in my copy of master was on April 14. Does the master branch include the 3.10 build fix?

On April 21, 2020 8:23:40 PM UTC, Mark <epistemik at gmail.com> wrote:
>Yea, I ran 'sudo ninja install'.
>Andy, from your initial email, can't tell for sure but possibly you
>built a
>venv right after your ninja build without doing an install?
>*epistemik at gmail.com <epistemik at gmail.com>*
>*(613) 447-5385*
>On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 10:18 AM Geert Janssens
><geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be>
>> Op dinsdag 21 april 2020 15:01:33 CEST schreef Mark:
>> > My bindings are built from the git source code for the 3.10 release
>> > (gnucash-3.10.tar.bz2):
>> >
>> > /opt/bin | Tue Apr 21 08:55:25 | marksa at Ares-A717-72G | bash 4.4.20
>> > 2013 > ./gnucash --version
>> > GnuCash 3.10
>> > Build ID: 3.10+(2020-04-11)
>> >
>> > So maybe I have a slightly later version of 3.10 where this bug was
>> already
>> > fixed?
>> No, I don't think so. The fix was only included on 2020-04-12 and is
>> part of the release tarball.
>> But there are several factors at play. Do you run "make install" ? If
>> the python bindings would properly find the libraries in the
>> directory. If not, they should be found in the build directory, but I
>> expect that to fail without the aforementioned patch.
>> Regards,
>> Geert

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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