[GNC-dev] Porting the Tutorial & Concepts Guide to ReadTheDocs.org

flywire flywire0 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 25 08:24:05 EDT 2020

Rob that's a nice result. Remarkable given you've nearly converted the lot
with scripts. A heads up would have been nice given I put a MkDocs version
I put up two days ago at "We should change the Documentation file format" -

There's not much difference between MkDocs and ReadTheDocs , and both could
do the job. The documents currently use very simple presentation facilities
and their constraints are unlikely to be an issue. There's something like
250 build warnings, many in relation to tables as expected, but many
will be same issue. I've expressed a preference for MkDocs over ReadTheDocs
because I think it is less fiddly, a little easier to work with, not as
constrained and np++ supports the language. I'd encourage the GnuCash team
to look through https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme/issues and
to get a feel for the culture of the team.

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