[GNC-dev] Crypto Currencies

Bruce Schuck bschuck at asgard-systems.com
Thu Aug 5 19:07:50 EDT 2021

On 8/1/21 2:44 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:

> The main problem can be seen in 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Unofficial_codes_for_cryptocurrencies
 > Many conflicts with ISO 4217. So we want the cryptos in a separate
 > namespace "userdefined".

While the first two characters of many digital currency codes 
technically conflict with a 2-character country code in ISO-4217, it 
seems that so far no full crypto-currency code conflicts with an 
existing ISO-4217 currency codes. Which is likely why AlphaVantage uses 
https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/#crypto-exchange) for digital 
and physical currencies.

I have been using a quickly built PoC compile at home where I added a 
few of the cryptos in my wallets to the iso-4217-currencies.xml file and 
rebuilt/recompiled GnuCash. It's been working for me as expected and 
desired where my Cryptos appear in the list of currencies when I create 
an account. :)

But no real conflicts today (full code, not just 2-char country) does 
not mean the possibility for them in the future is nil. And when that 
happens, AlphaVantage will likely need to create a separate API for 
exchange rates, or possibly add arguments to the existing API. So I 
definitely see why a separate namespace is desired.

- Bruce S.

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