[GNC-dev] Various failures while building MacOS/Quartz from source

Jim DeLaHunt list+gnucash at jdlh.com
Tue Nov 8 04:03:39 EST 2022

On 2022-11-06 16:17, John Ralls wrote:

>> On Nov 6, 2022, at 1:33 PM, Jim DeLaHunt <list+gnucash at jdlh.com> wrote:
>> Yes, you did, and I appreciate it. As you will have read above,
>>> freetype-no-harfbuzz now compiles happily...
>>> Rebuilding Harfbuzz isn't going to get rid of Freetype's dependency on brotli. Harfbuz doesn't know anything about broil.
>> Agreed. Adding the cmakeargs of "-DFT_DISABLE_BROTLI=YES" appeared to get rid of Freetype's dependency on brotli, _for the purpose of compiling freetype-no-harfbuzz_.
>> I am moving on to the next problem, which is that harfbuzz-no-cairo fails to build, despite the successful fix which enabled Freetype to build in a way acceptable freetype-no-harfbuzz. And the symptoms of the next problem are interestingly similar to the symptoms of the previous problem.
> No, harfbuzz-no-cairo fails to build because the rebuild of freetype-no-harfbuzz *didn't* succeed in removing its dependency on brotli. That's what
>> pkg-config error with 'freetype2': Could not generate cargs for freetype2:
>> Package libbrotlidec was not found in the pkg-config search path.
>> Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libbrotlidec.pc'
>> to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
>> Package 'libbrotlidec', required by 'freetype2', not found
> is telling you. One possibility is that the install step didn't replace /Users/gtkdeveloper/gnucash/inst/lib/pkgconfig/freetype2.pc, the other is that cmake ignored FT_DISABLE_BROTLI perhaps because BROTLIDEC_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH and BROTLIDEC_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH are already set in CMakeCache.txt.
>> I read that sentence and took it to heart.  You will see a mention of /Users/gtkdeveloper in my logs. gtkdeveloper is a macOS user account I created specifically to build GnuCash. It does not have any of my primary account's path or environment changes. I have not told it about MacPorts.
>> As far I as know, MacPorts installs many files to /opt/local/*, and acts like it owns that directory subtree. It installs apps to /Applications/MacPorts . Users are responsible for adding /opt/local/bin to their own paths. As far as I know from monitoring the project's user and developer lists, MacPorts tries to avoid installing anything anywhere else.
>> If there is software on macOS which consults /opt/local/*, then IMHO it should be aware it might well find MacPorts-installed software there. If it doesn't want to be contaminated by MacPorts, it should have a way to refrain from consulting /opt/local/* .
>> Of course, the difference of opinion between cmake and pkg-config might not stem from consulting /opt/local/* .
> Sigh. Here's the problem: https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/890d44792307134b41274b52cd972e4944af7d36/Modules/Platform/Darwin.cmake#L265
> It might be possible to disable that with  https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH.html#variable:CMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH to '/opt/local' or
> https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH.html#variable:CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH too 'NO'. E.g., add to jhbuildrc-custom
>    cmakeargs = "-DCMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/local", but meson also uses cmake to find stuff and it's not clear from the meson docs whether one can add the same thing to its cmake_args; I guess that would look like
>    mesonargs = "-Dcmake_args=-DCMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/local".
>> Yes, I have seen this report.  It might be worse: I tried building gnucash 4.11 via the MacPorts `gnucash` port, and a) there is an unexpected interaction with gtkosxapplication.h, and b) after hiding gtkosxapplication.h, the resulting GnuCash application crashes after setting up a new book. I wasn't going to start the thread here about those issues until I had got as far as I could with building GnuCash the GnuCash way. But there is more on these MacPorts problems at <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/66119>.
> gtkosxapplication is what puts the menus on the menu bar instead of on the window. If you want to build without it you need to hide $PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig/gtk-mac-integration-gtk3.pc.
> But that crash hasn't anything to do with gtkosxapplication. I think it's
> Try applying
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk-osx/-/blob/master/patches/gtk-3.24.33-quartz-window-transient-for.patch
> to your gtk3-24.34 build.
> The fix in gtk itself is https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/commit/a2c54c739ed08eac6d360cd3a6ae140e1fab556d but that does a bunch of other stuff too. I committed it after Mattias released 3.23.34.

Thank you for this helpful information, John.

I have not had a chance to try it out yet, but I will later this week. I 
will reply with what I find out.

> Regards,
> John Ralls
Best regards,
     —Jim DeLaHunt

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