Building gnucash on Windows

John Ralls jralls at
Sun Jun 16 14:56:01 EDT 2024

> On Jun 16, 2024, at 09:37, <russ.gorby at> <russ.gorby at> wrote:
> Does anyone actually have the gnucash build working on windows?
> I’m trying to build i686 version on Windows 10.
> I’ve had to work around multiple issues but after the build env is configured, the mingw32 shell can run BUT
> “jhbuild -f <jhbuildrc> build”
> Results in missing dependencies and running –nodeps runs into other issues
> It would be nice to collaborate with someone who has this working already (assuming someone does)


Yes, I have it working and of course it works on the nightly builds VM too. Getting things set up sometimes has issues because I don’t run setup-mingw64.ps1 very often.

`jhbuild -f jhbuildrc build` won’t work unless you ran `export TARGET=gnucash-stable` first. I usually combine them, e.g. `TARGET=gnucash-stable jhbuild -f jhbuildrc build`.

Make sure that you’ve started the right shell: It works only in a MINGW32 shell. The MSYS2 and MINGW64 shells don’t set the path correctly.

If that doesn’t work try running `buildserver\build_package.ps1 -branch stable`.  Sometimes the MINGW32 shell environment gets a little out of whack. The Powershell script is able to exert a bit more control on the environment and is more reliable.

John Ralls
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