fixed average-balance.scm report errors

Ben Stanley
Sun, 02 Sep 2001 22:48:29 +1000

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I ran into some report errors while trying out some strange options on 
the average balance report. The Gain/Loss option produced a report crash...

cstim helped debug - here is the resulting file



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;; -*-scheme-*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; average-balance.scm
;; Report history of account balance and other info
;; Author makes no implicit or explicit guarantee of accuracy of 
;;  these calculations and accepts no responsibility for direct
;;  or indirect losses incurred as a result of using this software.

;; depends must be outside module scope -- and should eventually go away.
(gnc:depend "report-html.scm")
(gnc:depend "report-utilities.scm")
(gnc:depend "date-utilities.scm")

(define-module (gnucash report average-balance))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(use-modules (ice-9 slib))

(define optname-from-date (N_ "From"))
(define optname-to-date (N_ "To"))
(define optname-stepsize (N_ "Step Size"))
(define optname-report-currency (N_ "Report's currency"))
(define optname-price-source (N_ "Price Source"))
(define optname-subacct (N_ "Include Sub-Accounts"))

;; Options

(define (options-generator)
  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
         ;; register a configuration option for the report
          (lambda (new-option)
            (gnc:register-option options new-option))))      

    ;; General tab
     options gnc:pagename-general optname-from-date optname-to-date "a")

     options gnc:pagename-general optname-stepsize "b" 'MonthDelta)

    ;; Report currency
     options gnc:pagename-general optname-report-currency "c")
     options gnc:pagename-general
     optname-price-source "d" 'weighted-average)

    ;; Account tab
      gnc:pagename-accounts optname-subacct
      "a" (N_ "Include sub-accounts of all selected accounts") #t))

    ;; account(s) to do report on
      gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Accounts")
      "b" (N_ "Do transaction report on this account")
      (lambda ()
        ;; FIXME : gnc:get-current-accounts disappeared
        (let ((current-accounts '()))
          ;; If some accounts were selected, use those
          (cond ((not (null? current-accounts)) 
                 ;; otherwise get some accounts -- here as an
                 ;; example we get the asset and liability stuff
                  '(bank cash credit asset liability) 
                  ;; or: '(bank cash checking savings stock
                  ;; mutual-fund money-market)
                  (gnc:group-get-account-list (gnc:get-current-group)))))))
      #f #t))

    ;; Display tab
      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Show table")
      "a" (N_ "Display a table of the selected data.") #f))

      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Show plot")
      "b" (N_ "Display a graph of the selected data.") #t))

      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Plot Type")
      "c" (N_ "The type of graph to generate") (list 'AvgBalPlot)
       (vector 'AvgBalPlot (N_ "Average") (N_ "Average Balance"))
       (vector 'GainPlot (N_ "Profit") (N_ "Profit (Gain minus Loss)"))
       (vector 'GLPlot (N_ "Gain/Loss") (N_ "Gain And Loss")))))

     options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Plot Width") (N_ "Plot Height")
     "d" 400 400)

    ;; Set the general page as default option tab
    (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-general)      

;; Some utilities for generating the data 

(define columns
  ;; Watch out -- these names should be consistent with the display
  ;; option where you choose them, otherwise users are confused.
  (list (_ "Period start") (_ "Period end") (_ "Average") 
        (_ "Maximum") (_ "Minimum") (_ "Gain") 
        (_ "Loss") (_ "Profit") ))

;; analyze-splits crunches a split list into a set of period
;; summaries.  Each summary is a list of (start-date end-date
;; avg-bal max-bal min-bal total-in total-out net) if multiple
;; accounts are selected the balance is the sum for all.  Each
;; balance in a foreign currency will be converted to a double in
;; the report-currency by means of the monetary->double
;; function. 
(define (analyze-splits splits start-bal-double 
                        start-date end-date interval monetary->double)
  (let ((interval-list 
         (gnc:make-date-interval-list start-date end-date interval))
        (data-rows '()))
    (define (output-row interval-start 
      (set! data-rows
             (list (gnc:timepair-to-datestring interval-start)
                   (gnc:timepair-to-datestring interval-end)
                   (/ (stats-accum 'total #f)
                      (gnc:timepair-delta interval-start 
                   (minmax-accum 'getmax #f)
                   (minmax-accum 'getmin #f)
                   (gain-loss-accum 'debits #f) 
                   (gain-loss-accum 'credits #f)
                   (- (gain-loss-accum 'debits #f)
                      (gain-loss-accum 'credits #f)))
    ;; Returns a double which is the split value, correctly
    ;; exchanged to the current report-currency. We use the exchange
    ;; rate at the 'date'.
    (define (get-split-value split date)
        (gnc:account-get-commodity (gnc:split-get-account split))
        (gnc:split-get-amount split))
    ;; calculate the statistics for one interval - returns a list 
    ;;  containing the following: 
    ;; min-max acculumator
    ;; average-accumulator
    ;; gain-loss accumulator
    ;; final balance for this interval
    ;; splits remaining to be processed.
    ;; note that it is assumed that every split in in the list
    ;; has a date >= from 

    (define (process-interval splits from to start-balance)

      (let ((minmax-accum (gnc:make-stats-collector))
            (stats-accum (gnc:make-stats-collector))
            (gain-loss-accum (gnc:make-drcr-collector))
            (last-balance start-balance)
            (last-balance-time from))
        (define (update-stats  split-amt split-time)
          (let ((time-difference (gnc:timepair-delta 
            (stats-accum 'add (* last-balance time-difference))
            (set! last-balance (+ last-balance split-amt))
            (set! last-balance-time split-time)
            (minmax-accum 'add last-balance)
            (gain-loss-accum 'add split-amt)))

        (define (split-recurse)
          (if (or (null? splits) (gnc:timepair-gt 
                                    (car splits))) to)) 
                  ((split (car splits))
                   (split-time (gnc:transaction-get-date-posted 
                                (gnc:split-get-parent split)))
                   ;; FIXME: Which date should we use here? The 'to'
                   ;; date? the 'split-time'?
                   (split-amt (get-split-value split split-time)))
                (gnc:debug "split " split)
                (gnc:debug "split-time " split-time)
                (gnc:debug "split-amt " split-amt)
                (gnc:debug "splits " splits)
                (update-stats split-amt split-time)
                (set! splits (cdr splits))

                                        ;  the minmax accumulator

        (minmax-accum 'add start-balance)

        (if (not (null? splits))

        ;; insert a null transaction at the end of the interval
        (update-stats 0.0 to)
        (list minmax-accum stats-accum gain-loss-accum last-balance splits)))
     (lambda (interval)
              (car interval) 
              (cadr interval)
            (min-max-accum (car interval-results))
            (stats-accum (cadr interval-results))
            (gain-loss-accum (caddr interval-results))
            (last-bal (cadddr interval-results))
            (rest-splits (list-ref interval-results 4)))

         (set! start-bal-double last-bal)
         (set! splits rest-splits)
         (output-row (car interval) 
                     (cadr interval) 
                     min-max-accum gain-loss-accum)))
    (reverse data-rows)))

;; Renderer

(define (renderer report-obj)

  (define (get-option section name)
     (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))

  (let* ((report-title (get-option gnc:pagename-general 
         (begindate (gnc:timepair-start-day-time
                      (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-from-date))))
         (enddate (gnc:timepair-end-day-time 
                    (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-to-date))))
         (stepsize (eval (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-stepsize)))
         (report-currency (get-option gnc:pagename-general 
         (price-source (get-option gnc:pagename-general

         (accounts   (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Accounts")))
         (dosubs?    (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts optname-subacct))

         (plot-type  (get-option gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Plot Type")))
         (show-plot? (get-option gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Show plot")))
         (show-table? (get-option gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Show table")))

         (document   (gnc:make-html-document))

         (commodity-list (gnc:accounts-get-commodities 
                           (gnc:acccounts-get-all-subaccounts accounts)
         (exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-time-fn 
                       price-source report-currency 
                       commodity-list enddate))

         (beforebegindate (gnc:timepair-end-day-time 
                           (gnc:timepair-previous-day begindate)))
         (all-zeros? #t)
         ;; startbal will be a commodity-collector
         (startbal  '()))

    (define (list-all-zeros? alist)
      (if (null? alist) #t
          (if (not (= 0.0 (car alist)))
              (list-all-zeros? (cdr alist)))))
    (define (monetary->double foreign-monetary date)
        (exchange-fn foreign-monetary report-currency date))))

    (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
    ;;(warn commodity-list)

    (if (not (null? accounts))
        (let ((query (gnc:malloc-query))
              (splits '())
              (data '()))

          ;; initialize the query to find splits in the right 
          ;; date range and accounts
          (gnc:query-set-group query (gnc:get-current-group))
          ;; add accounts to the query (include subaccounts 
          ;; if requested)
          (if dosubs? 
              (let ((subaccts '()))
                 (lambda (acct)
                   (let ((this-acct-subs 
                          (gnc:account-get-all-subaccounts acct)))
                     (if (list? this-acct-subs)
                         (set! subaccts 
                               (append subaccts this-acct-subs)))))
                ;; Beware: delete-duplicates is an O(n^2)
                ;; algorithm. More efficient method: sort the list,
                ;; then use a linear algorithm.
                (set! accounts
                      (delete-duplicates (append accounts subaccts)))))

           query (gnc:list->glist accounts) 
           'acct-match-any 'query-and)
          ;; match splits between start and end dates 
           query #t begindate #t enddate 'query-and)
           query 'by-date 'by-standard 'by-none)
          ;; get the query results 
          (set! splits (gnc:glist->list (gnc:query-get-splits query)
          ;; find the net starting balance for the set of accounts 
          (set! startbal 
                 (lambda (acct) (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date 
                                 acct beforebegindate #f))

          (set! startbal 
                   (lambda (a b) 
                     (exchange-fn a b beforebegindate))))))
          ;; and analyze the data 
          (set! data (analyze-splits splits startbal
                                     begindate enddate 
                                     stepsize monetary->double))
          ;; make a plot (optionally)... if both plot and table, 
          ;; plot comes first. 
          (if show-plot?
              (let ((barchart (gnc:make-html-barchart))
                    (width (get-option gnc:pagename-display 
                                       (N_ "Plot Width")))
                    (height (get-option gnc:pagename-display 
                                        (N_ "Plot Height")))
                    (col-labels '())
                    (col-colors '()))
                (if (memq 'AvgBalPlot plot-type)
                           (lambda (row) (list-ref row 2)) data)))
                      (if (not (list-all-zeros? number-data))
                             (map (lambda (row) (list-ref row 2)) data))
                            (set! col-labels 
                                  (append col-labels 
                                          (list (list-ref columns 2))))
                            (set! col-colors
                                  (append col-colors (list "blue")))
                            (set! all-zeros? #f)))))
                (if (memq 'GainPlot plot-type)
                    (let ((number-data 
                           (map (lambda (row) (list-ref row 7)) data)))
                      (if (not (list-all-zeros? number-data))
                             (map (lambda (row) (list-ref row 7)) data))
                            (set! col-labels 
                                  (append col-labels 
                                          (list (list-ref columns 7))))
                            (set! col-colors
                                  (append col-colors (list "green")))
                            (set! all-zeros? #f)))))

                (if (memq 'GLPlot plot-type)
                    (let ((debit-data 
                           (map (lambda (row) list-ref row 5) data))
			   (map (lambda (row) (list-ref row 7)) data))
                           (map (lambda (row) list-ref row 6) data)))
                      ;; debit column 
                      (if (not (and
                                (list-all-zeros? debit-data)
                                (list-all-zeros? credit-data)))
                            (set! col-labels 
                                  (append col-labels 
                                          (list (list-ref columns 5))))
                            (set! col-colors
                                  (append col-colors (list "black")))
                            ;; credit
                             (map (lambda (row) (list-ref row 6)) data))
                            (set! col-labels 
                                  (append col-labels 
                                          (list (list-ref columns 6))))
                            (set! col-colors
                                  (append col-colors (list "red")))
                            (set! all-zeros? #f)))))
                (if (not all-zeros?)
                       barchart col-labels)
                       barchart col-colors)
                       barchart (map car data))
                      (gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels-rotated?! barchart #t)
                      (gnc:html-barchart-set-width! barchart width)
                      (gnc:html-barchart-set-height! barchart height)
                      (gnc:html-barchart-set-height! barchart height)
                      (gnc:html-document-add-object! document barchart))
                      (_ "Average Balance"))))))
          ;; make a table (optionally)
          (if show-table? 
              (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
                 table columns)
                 (lambda (row)
                   (gnc:html-table-append-row! table row))
                ;; set numeric columns to align right 
                 (lambda (col)
                    table col "td" 
                    'attribute (list "align" "right")))
                 '(2 3 4 5 6 7))
                (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table))))

        ;; if there are no accounts selected...

 'version 1
 'name (N_ "Average Balance")
 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-asset-liability)
 'options-generator options-generator
 'renderer renderer)
