CVS update: gnucash/src/gnome

Joshua Sled
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 23:52:02 -0600 (CST)

Date:	Monday November 11, 2002 @ 23:52
Author:	jsled

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
2002-11-11  Joshua Sled  <>

	* src/gnome/window-register.c (regWindowLedger): If we
	gtk_widget_show_all the correct widget [the window], then it's
	available for setting its size and changing the style and whatnot.

	* src/gnome/orig-window-register.c (regWindowLedger): Hack for
	Bug#97640; re-init the style after we've shown the widgets to
	affect a "style change", which lets the GUI nature of the cells
	[combos, autocomplete] init and function.