2nd set of gnome2 changes for gnucash

TomF TomF at sjpc.org
Thu Feb 27 12:27:54 CST 2003

On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 23:19:53 -0800
TomF <TomF at sjpc.org> wrote:

> Here is the 2nd installment of gnome2 changes.  I would welcome
> comments.
> There are two attached files, gnucash/macros/gnome-xml-check.m4 and
> TomF-changes.diff.  The first is a file that somehow got dropped from
> the gnome2 branch of cvs and needs to be added again.  The second is
> the diff file created afted a cvs up.
> Tom

There are several things related to yesterday's changes that I hinted at
in the Changelog, but should be discussed more fully.

The xml->xml2 changes were made following the first list of suggestions
in http://xmlsoft.org/upgrade.html.  Items 1-3 are done, using
pkg-config instead of xml2-config.  Items 4-6 still need to be done.  We
do not currently plan to do any libxml-1 compatibility support, and the
items on the second and third lists are done or not planned.

The bypasses mentioned in Changelog need to be revisited to provide
fixes.  I also commented out the lines having to do with INTL, so that
has to be revisited also.  Also,
suggested using glib-gettextize -f, so that should be tried.


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