PATCH: Implement real right justify in the register

Didier Vidal didier-devel at
Mon Oct 10 17:19:19 EDT 2005

By the way, I realized afterwards that this patch might not be
appropriate for right-to-left languages (apparently, gtk2 supports this,
called RTL layouts in the doc - and the meaningful part of an account
name would probably be on the left). I've no idea how to test an
implementation with an RTL layout... So let's wait that someone tests
gnucash with such configuration and sends patches. Replacing
automatically left by right would not work probably: even in an RTL
layout, numbers should be aligned to the right for instance....


Le lun 10/10/2005 à 21:45, Christian Stimming a écrit :
> applied. Thanks for that.
> Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2005 22:50 schrieb Didier Vidal:
> > : Implement real right justify in the register

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