r15176 - gnucash/branches/2.0 - Factor out some quiting code from gnc_main_window_delete_event()

Derek Atkins warlord at cvs.gnucash.org
Sat Dec 2 21:03:28 EST 2006

Author: warlord
Date: 2006-12-02 21:03:26 -0500 (Sat, 02 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 15176
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/15176

	Factor out some quiting code from gnc_main_window_delete_event()
	and gnc_main_window_cmd_file_quit().  The new implementation fixes
	two bugs - one in each of the previous implementations.

	The bug in the gnc_main_window_cmd_file_quit() code was a race
	condition whereby one could quit the application without finishing
	pending changes in pages.  This would happen if the began a save,
	modified the page during the save, and then triggered the
	File->Quit command before the save completed.  For the register
	page, this sequence was possible, even though most of the UI
	controls are disabled during save.

	The bug in the gnc_main_window_delete_event() code was that it
	didn't check for an in-progress save before prompting the user to
	save a dirty book.

Merge from r15169

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