gnu-user: failed dependences gnucash-1.4.9-1.586i.rpm

Alan Smith
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 23:06:21 +0200

Hi experts
I am a newbie to linux, I am really struggling at the moment. this is
the first time that I have ever done a .tar.gz or a rpm or messed with
the system.

Op sys is linux-mandrake 7.1 in a celeron 333 box with gigabyte board,
64MB ram.

mdk uses a diff' file structure, it seems. I have libguile.s0.1 and 5
and 6 they are in /usr/lib. I installed guile-1.4.tar.gz twice. First
all files wanted to go /usr/local/ . .  but on second install changed
makefile prefix statement from /usr/local to /usr/lib. Lmdk does not use
/usr/local except for the Interbase prog'

I have but in /usr/lib/guile-1.4/libguile/.libs/ but it
cannot be seen by the rpm.

Here is a copy of the konsole 

[willie@localhost rpm]$ su -c 'urpmi gnucash-1.4.9-1.i586.rpm'
Failed dependencies: gnucash-1.4.9-1 requires,
----------I have libxml2-2.2.10 and libxml2 rpm's which I tried to
install as below---------
[willie@localhost rpm]$ su -c 'urpmi libxml2-2.2.10-1mdk.i586.rpm'
Failed dependencies: libxml2-2.2.10-1mdk requires
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames), rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)
[willie@localhost rpm]$ su -c 'urpmi libxml2-devel-2.2.10-1mdk.i586.rpm'
Failed dependencies: libxml2-devel-2.2.10-1mdk requires,
libxml2, rpmlib(CompressedFileNames), rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)

1. Where do I find failed dependences preferably as a mdk-i586.rpm
2. Where should I be installing guile-1.4 so that it's files will be
seen by gnucash.

I do not understand the basics on files as you can see. Can you please
point me in the right direction on this - better still - tell me exactly
what to do to get gnucash up and running.

Regards and thanks
Alan Smith - South Africa