
Jason Rennie
Mon, 06 Nov 2000 10:14:27 -0500 said:
> What is the recommended way to back up gnucash files to a zip disk?
> When I copy the directory gnucash to the zip and then try to open it,
> I get a report that the file is in use. 

There is only one file that you actually need to backup.  All of the
filenames with dates (e.g. 20001104) are backup copies made on those
dates.  Files ending in .LCK are there to indicate that GNUCash may be
accessing and changing your account file (hence when you back these up and
try to run from a backed-up dirctory, GNUCash thinks that your account
file is in use).

The file with your current account information should be named the same as
the prefix of all those files with dates.  Mine is "jrennie," my account
name.  I forget whether I chose this name or whether GNUCash simply
decided to use my account name for my account file name.

Jason Rennie  
MIT: (617) 253-5339