Change Confirm
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 10:46:35 -0600 (CST)
It's been rumoured that Bill Gribble said:
> On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 07:29:17PM -0800, Michael wrote:
> > Is there any way to turn off the change confirmation? I manually go through
> > and reconcile transactions as they clear (yes, I do this daily and yes I'm
> > anal). However, I dislike how it asks me each time "The current transaction
> > has changed. Would you like to record it?"
> The problem here is that you are editing a new transaction without
> telling gnucash what you want to do with the old one. You can
> explicitly tell gnucash to keep your edits by hitting "return" (at
> least in single- and double-line modes) or clicking the "Record"
> button.
The theory of how this was supposed to work was that you could do the
entire edit without having to touch the mouse: i.e. tab between fields
in the register, edit them with the keyboard & arrow keys, and hit enter
at the end to commit. Currently, I beleive that the first time you hit
enter, it will pop up the 'are you sure' dialogue, and hitting return a
second time will answer 'yes' to that dialogue. At least, that's how I
thought it was supposed to work. Again, the idea was to be able to do
everything without having to touch the mouse, and have some margin of
safety against accidentally recording typos.