Strangeness in register "balance" column

Mike Sabin
Tue, 28 Nov 2000 23:16:17 -0500

Sorry, I also meant to mention that I am running Gnucash 1.4.7 on a RedHat 7.0

On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 11:12:44PM -0500, Mike Sabin wrote:
> I am encountering some odd behavior in the balance column of the register
> for my checking account.  A few weeks ago, I duplicated several transactions
> of a recurring nature, and entered them in advance, without check numbers and
> with an estimated date.  Now those transactions have come to pass, and I have
> gone back and entered the actual date I paid each of the transactions, and
> entered the actual check numbers for these transactions.  The balance column
> is now displaying odd behavior, as if the transactions weren't sorted 
> properly.  For example the balance shown at the end of a certain transaction
> might be, say, $1,000.  The next transaction shown in the register is a 
> check for $50, but the balance shown at the end of this transaction is, say,
> $798.00.  None of the sorting options given in the Register -> SortOrder 
> menu seem able to solve the problem.  By comparing the balance amounts for 
> the various transactions with the transactions themselves, I can see that 
> it's not that the amounts listed in the balance column are utter gibberish.
> The balance amounts are correct, just for the wrong transactions.  It seems
> to me that the balance calculations have somehow not been updated when I 
> updated other parts of the transaction.  Am I making sense here, or am I
> just being an idiot?
> Bottom line: if my balance is $1000 before a $50 transaction, my balance 
> should show $950 after it, assuming standard sort order.  Right?
> Thanks for any help here,
> Mike Sabin
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