Search in 1.4.6 broken?

Andreas Muck
02 Oct 2000 11:04:43 +0200


I compiled and installed gnucash 1.4.6 on debian potato a few days ago
using the source package from debian woody and I can't get the search
function to work. No matter what I enter, I always get no search

What I did:

1. Click on "Find" from the "Register" screen

2. Select one or more accounts under the "Account" tab in the "Find
   Transactions" screen (Note: it would be nice if the account that
   called the search function would be automatically selected)

3. Changed "Find transactions affecting _All_ selected accounts:" to
   either "All" or "Any", it doesn't make a difference

4. Leave the settings under the "Date" tab untouched

5. Either enter a "Description" that I am sure it exists or the
   wildcard regular expression ".*" while selecting "Regular

6. Click on "Find" :-)

7. Get no results :-(

Am I just being stupid or is the search function not working right in
