Problem with auto decimal

Timothy Reaves
Mon, 6 Aug 2001 11:08:35 -0400

On Mon, 06 Aug 2001 10:25:32 -0400
Paul Lussier <> wrote:

> In a message dated: Sun, 05 Aug 2001 21:13:24 EDT
> Timothy Reaves said:
> >	Shouldn't the auto decimal only be for fields that are currencies?  Gnu
> >Cash 1.6.1 is also trying to put decimals in my share # fields, which isn't go
> >od.
> Why not?  You can own fractions of shares.  This happens all the time 
> with dividend re-investment.

	The problem is it screws up!  I was trying to enter 2.171 shares.  I het the '2'key then the ',' key, and gnucash put two '0' after the decimal.  I then hit '1', '7', then the '1'.  I did not get 2.171, I got 2.71.1, or 21.71.

	Not good.