A couple of quickies

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
07 Aug 2001 14:32:25 -0700

On 06 Aug 2001 20:45:41 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   Also, will there be linux binaries of the 1.6 release for those of us
> running Red Hat 6.2? I've learned over the past several years (finally! <g>)
> to not upgrade our production systems (which is all we have) until the x.2
> release is out a few weeks. I suppose that there is not too much in 1.6 that
> we need; it appears that 1.4 has enough. But, I don't recall reading of a
> new feature that stood out for me.

Well, it looks like redhat 7.2 will be out fairly soon and will include
gnucash 1.6.1.

>   Lastly, I see on the screen shots column headings of "deposit" and
> "withdrawal", but in the 1.4.10-1 version installed here, I don't see where
> to switch between that and "debit" and "credit". (I did try playing with the
> preferences, but I didn't make any difference. Hence, I need to re-read the
> docs after about 6 months.)

Go to the preferences dialog and uncheck 'use accounting labels'.
