CSV Export for Reports

Joseph A. Martin martinja@ice-works.com
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 01:14:53 -0500

Hello All,

I greatly appreciate all the hard work that has been put into GnuCash.
It is a wonderful program, and a joy to use daily. I do, however, have
one little request. I would like to be able to export my reports in
CSV format. I do not know Scheme, do not want to learn Scheme, and
have no desire to learn Scheme. Thus, I am limited in how I can
manipulate the data stored inside my GnuCash data files. What I would
like to be able to do, however, is export the results of the standard
reports and manipulate the data with Gnumeric or hand-written scripts.

Is there any support for this in the development - or any other -
branch? I would be willing to run a CVS version specifically for
reports if CSV exporting has been added.


the "LaterDude" @ (martinja@ice-works.com || ICQ #52640402)

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.