Problems compiling 1.6.0

Paul Lussier
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 09:04:16 -0400

In a message dated: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 22:28:08 +0200
Viktor Rosenfeld said:

>Hi folks,
>I try to compile 1.6.0 on Debian woody, but I get the following error
>message during ./configure:

I've been getting a lot of such errors as well.  Usually it's because 
I have older packages than GnuCash requires installed.  I'm running 
Debian unstable, and I've been apt-get'ing a bunch of new packages 
since last night just to get past this.

I'll let you know how it turns out :)

One interesing thing I ran into was that to install gnome-print, it 
required the esound packages to be updated.  Why in the world would a 
*printing* package require sound?  There was also an old/broken
helix/ximian package that when I went to remove it, apt-get decided I 
now needed Gnumeric installed!  Why *removing* a package would 
install a completely separate application is beyond me :)

I hate package managers.  I was trying to install gnucash from source 
to avoid them :)  Oh well.

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