Automatic bills ???
Paul Lussier
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 10:52:49 -0400
In a message dated: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 09:43:58 CDT
Bill Gribble said:
>On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 04:41:22PM +0200, Jack Rene Kroon wrote:
>> Is it possible in Gnucash 1.6.0 to pay or register bills automatically??
>> For example: rent once a month!
>> or: Income once a month or transfer to savings-account once in four weeks??
>Not in gnucash-1.6.0. This feature is being worked on and will either
>appear later in the 1.6.x series or possibly in the 1.8.0 release.
This is probably a question for -devel, but I'm not subscribed to
that list :)
I'm curious what the design thoughts are behind setting this up. Are
you planning on integrating with GnomeCal, or writing your calendar
widget? Can you just use shared libraries from GnomeCal without
actually integrating with it? In other words, I don't necessarilly
want my monthly scheduled financial transactions showing up in my
normal GnomeCal session.
On the other hand, if they were to show up in GnomeCal, then syncing
these to my pilot would be automatic, and I could be reminded when
away from my system that I still need to pay this months bills :)
Just curious which road you're planning on travelling down :)
Thanks, and keep up the great work!
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