Building gnucash-1.6.0 from src.rpm

Jim Woodruff
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 18:30:08 -0700 (PDT)

I have found quite a few *.alpha.rpms that put files into the
/usr/X11R6/bin/ and /usr/X11R6/lib/ directories vs /usr/bin/
and /usr/lib/. I have removed and reinstalled these rpms using
only rpms built by redhat. This helped getting past the
gnome-print version problem and a few others I encountered
after that.

Then the build exited with the error that I mas missing
postgresql header and lib files. I tried installing these
rpms and ran into a convuluted dependency mess. The
postqresql files aren't even mentioned in the software
requirements on the gnucash web page.

I want to thank everyone who responded with very helpful
hints and suggestions. They got me a farther into the build
process, but I think I'll just stop for now and go read a
book. There has to be a better way. I don't even use gnome
and I had to install over 110 Mb of rpms just to try
building gnucash. let alone installing it.

Jim Woodruff < >