1.6.0 RPM available for Redhat 6.2 available yet

Bill Nottingham notting@redhat.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:04:53 -0400

Paul Lussier (pll@mclinux.com) said: 
> >Bill Gribble (grib@linuxdevel.com) said: 
> >> This may not be a helpful suggestion, but have you tried to install
> >> the RPM from redhat-7.x on your 6.2 system?
> >
> >Different glibcs; it won't work.
> Can't you upgrade glibc?

Yes, but that may be more than what most people want to do.
(It shouldn't cause problems, but it's a fairly large upgrade.)
In general, programs compiled against glibc-2.2 *may* not work
correctly on glibc-2.1.
