Use of '-' to decrement time

Joerg Schoeppe
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 17:58:04 +0200

I've downloaded the source code and grepped around.

> I found that the '-' key do not decrement the date.  I use
> the ISO date format.

I found in .../src/register/gnome/datecell-gnome.c

    case GDK_minus:
      if (dateSeparator () == '-')
        return FALSE;
      /* fall through */
I seems to be a feature, but why?  If I want to enter a date
I always start with a digit?  If there is already a date displayed
the '-' Key should decement?

> Also the SHIFT-PGUP and SHIFT-PGDN seems not to work.  They
> do not jump to the last/first entry.

I found in .../src/register/gnome/gnucash-sheet.c

    case GDK_KP_Page_Up:
    case GDK_Page_Up:
	    direction = GNC_TABLE_TRAVERSE_UP;
	    new_virt_loc.phys_col_offset = 0;
	    distance = sheet->num_visible_phys_rows - 1;
	    gnc_table_move_vertical_position (table, &new_virt_loc,

There is no check against GDK_SHIFT_MASK like in the datecell-gnome.c

I think the feature SHIFT-PGDN goes to a empty entry whould be

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--                      Tel: +49-89-575097
Customer Applications Engineer   Mentor Graphics Deutschland GmbH