Questions about Tax Report.

Jean-David Beyer
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 21:53:34 -0500

When I prepare a Tax Report, after fumbling around, I now get one that
looks about as I would expect. 

But it starts out as follows:

Period From: 2001-Jan-01 To: 2001-Mar-19

                           Blue items are exportable to a TXF file

No TXF init function because, no txf-account

No TXF init function because, no txf-account

               Taxable Income / Deductable Expenses
      Account Name        (Sub 4)  (Sub 3)  (Sub 2) (Sub 1)  Total


The right stuff is in blue, but the two lines that start:

No TXF init function because,

probably indicate that I have done something incorrectly, or just
omitted doing something important. What is it?

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
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