Viewing childs transactions in parent

Nicholas Piper
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 17:38:00 +0100

Hi All,

Due to sending a message to the list with the wrong From address I'm
sending this again (after having waited a day or so in case the
moderator is to permit the original to pass; I'm presuming it now
isn't going to---sorry if my message does end up appearing twice!)

I currently manage a bank account with gnucash which has 7 members.
In order to tell who has what in this bank account, I have given the
actual bank account 7 children :

  The Shared Bank Account   
         |--- Person 1
         |--- Person 2
         |--- Person 3
         |--- Person 4
         |--- Person 5
         |--- Person 6
         |--- Person 7

This works reasonably well. What would make life a lot simplier
however would be the ability to open the "Shared Bank Account"
register and see all the transactions in the children, so I can follow
the *total* balance over time and compare it with the bank statement.

Most of the time the childrens transactions are splits which involve
all 7, so showing them up in the parent account would (I think) add
just one line, not 7.

I upgraded from 1.6.1 to 1.6.4 just now in case it has that feature,
but if it's possible I can't locate the switch.

Can I do what I would like ?

