Reconcile Memo gets lost

Randall Hopper
Sun, 2 Sep 2001 10:07:38 -0400

Dave Peticolas:
 |Randall Hopper:
 |>       When I "Finish" reconciling a credit card account and type in the
 |> checking->creditcard account transfer info into the finish dialog, the Memo
 |> field I type gets tossed.  The second line of the double-line register
 |> comes up blank rather than containing this text.
 |The 'Memo' field is no longer displayed in double-line mode.
 |Rather, the transaction 'Notes' field is displayed. Try clicking
 |on 'Split' while that transaction is highlited to see if the Memo
 |field you typed was actually saved.

Yes, the Memo text is listed twice, once on each account transfer.

It would be useful if the Finish Reconcile dialog allowed you to key in the
Notes text for the transaction (e.g. "7/15/01 Statement").  I suggest this
because the Notes text is visible in a double-line register, whereas the
Memo isn't unless you select a transaction and hit the Split key.  Makes it
easier to scan the register for a transaction.

In its absense, I modified the transaction Notes field of the generated
transaction after reconciling.

Is "Notes" also called "Description"?  The Find Transactions tool doesn't
have the former but it does have the latter.


Randall Hopper