GnuCash vs InCharge?
Steve Snyder
Sat, 13 Apr 2002 10:27:43 -0400
[I hope this question has not been asked previously. I can't find a
searchable archive of this list.]
Can any current or former users of Spitfire Software's InCharge
(InC) accounting program compare that software to GnuCash in
I started out with InC in OS/2 many years ago. Now that I'm a
full-time Linux user I keep a Windows partition (dual-boot machine)
soley to use the Windows version of InC.
Given the small market share of InC it is unlikely that GnuCash will
import its data files. Still, I'm willing to put in the time to
hand-enter a *lot* of data if it means that GnuCash will do what I
need it to do in future years.
My accounts in InC are:
1. checking [asset]
2. credit card [liability]
3. brokerage (regular securities) [asset]
4. 401(k) (tax-free securities) [asset]
5. home loan [liability]
Some of the things I use InC for now are:
1. Batch-processing of paychecks into their various
components (taxes withheld, insurance, 401(k) contributions,
etc.) for taxes purposes. Net income is directed into my
checking account, 401(k) contribs are directed to my 401(k)
account, etc.
2. Securities tracking. This includes purchase/sale, value
history, ROI (annual/total), reports of all securities held.
3. Marking of transactions with tax codes for later
generation of reports.
4. Paying bills.
5. Importing bank statements (in QIF-formatted files).
6. Reconcile/balance accounts monthly/quarterly as needed.
So.. can someone please comment on what features benefits I would
lose by switching from InCharge to the current version of GnuCash?
Please CC any replies to me as I am not a subscriber to this list
Thank you.