Moving accounts !!
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 17:05:56 +0300


I was wondering is there a way to move Account in heararcy and of cource all txn change accordignaly.... i.e.

move Asset.blah ->

This would be very appricated especialy for newcommers as me which are not totaly aware what is the exact place for some accounts... 

One more interesting thing that come to my mind would be if after "Find"-txn I can enter transaction type of editing the txn, what I have in mind.. a three buttons : Begin, Commit, Rollback  .. so that if I don't hit Begin everything work as is... but if I hit "Begin" i can edit several txn and they are updated only if I hit "Commit"...
This can be also available to the normal editing of cource...

PS. is anybody on this list :")