gnuCash at console or so !! [was Re: barchart -> linechart]
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 01:14:12 +0300
]- yep, as far as I browsed varios places on gnuCash site and what I have installed .... i find very little info which can point to the understanding of guile & gnuCash at whole...
There is very good documentation at the design and theoretical stuff about gnuCash its engine, file io etc...
But definitly there is very sparse info about guppi, guile (not a problem of gnuCash ppl of cource. Even on the guile site I found nearly nothing. I have to read a online-book which is not tailored to first-time users.. I found there is some sort of standard library called SLIB, for which i found browsing the directories not on the site (docs already dloaded :")). On the other hand there seems to be some umb-scheme, it seems guile uses something from it ?! "info umb-scheme" has only examples for C binding, which doesn't help me alot :") ).
what about gnuCash ? ...very sparse info just a bits in /usr/share/doc/gnucash and /usr/share/gnucash ... one html with many functions listed which is good as a reference posibly but not for start-up of understanding (listed by category will be better I think!) ....
I also browsed a-bit the CVS-sources, can't find this report-html.txt, which as stated should shine me how to write reports ?
OK.. I don't complain just opinion... (i hope i will handle someway all this)
During this lines of talking is there a way to RELOAD a report w/o closing-and-opening the gnuCash to see the changes i made in reports f.e?
Second and much better is there a way to load the gnuCash envoirment in such a way that i can see the results on console .. for debuging or such stuff... or possibly logging and tail -f :") .... (is there interface for syslog in guile?)
And best loading everything and working in guile-shell :"), I'm i dreaming here !!!
oops ... I'm with Mandrake 8.2 by the way..
|> No, the library we use for graphing doesn't support line graphs, sorry.
|> The library is Guppi, btw.
|Technically Guppi does, it's just not support by the wrapper library we
|use, GuppiTank. I've been trying (slowly, very slowly) to wrap my head
|around the internals of Guppi (there is very little library documentation
|that I can find) so that I can rectify this. I really want some decent
|investment graphs.