Good By
Laurent Jacques
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 22:24:14 +0100
Very, very helpful comments.
Bye bye and enjoy of the so good quicken.
On Monday 09 December 2002 22:19, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> After this message I'm stopping this list. When I signed up I
> thought someone could help me with my problem of getting version 1.6.6
> working on Red Hat version 8.0 but it didn't happen. I got it working by
> tricking gnucash and it's up and running so far as I can tell properly.
> Yesterday with help I verified that EVERY listed Dependancie
> from the list supplied in README for 1.6.6 (It's the same for 1.4.12)
> and MY gnucash does not work properly.
> I have been told by those working on this software that they
> don't care if it doesn't load on all Linux. They want to do the fun part
> and "improve" the product.
> They never knew or forgot that Quicken is the best selling
> software in the World! It got that way by providing a simple family
> finance device that even my wife can run and use.
> I own and run a business with 275 employees which next year I
> will give to my son. I will not mention gnucash to anyone in the office
> and I expect they will never hear of it in their lifetimes.