How to manage funds on hold

Gerard Beekmans
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 00:01:33 -0700

Hey guys,

I've got a question how to manage funds on hold, ie: when you deposit a cheque 
into your bankaccount which then gets put on holds for x amount of days 
pending the cheque to clear. This thus creates a difference between the bank 
accounts balance and the available balance for withdrawal. For day to day 
banking it's the latter number that means most to me.

Right now I see my assets as the total balance and I need to do some 
calculating to get my available balance.

Is there an option to put (part) of a deposit on hold (ie: it not reflecting 
in the assets until a set date, or a change is manually made)?

Would this be classified as an "Accounts Receivable" I would be needing to 
setup? If that's the case, how would I go about it? I read info in the manual 
about A/R and A/P but I didn't see how to set it up (where to create it, what 
type of accounts they are, etc).

Thanks for any help,

Gerard Beekmans

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