Problem with special chars in Account names

Thomas Spahni
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:55:29 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Christian Stimming wrote:

> This is a Guppi problem and it affects all current Guppi versions.
> Firstly, the quoting of ampersands isn't handled correct inside Guppi,
> causing strings with an ampersand in it to disappear completely. This
> needs to be fixed. (The Guppi xml parser needs a serious overhaul.)
> Secondly, Guppi is currently unable to display non-ascii characters.


Thank you for pointing to the causes for this bug. This reminds me of very
old times. I bought an Intertec "Superbrain" with twin Z80 processors
running CP/M in 1981. In those days German Umlauts were considered obscure
opcodes and not part of the ASCII alphabet at all.

Now the past has cought us again and new Software of the 3rd millenium is
developed for the true ASCII character set.

Normally it is considered good practise to fix severe bugs before going to
the next major release, but it appears Gnome developers disagree. Do we
all have to upgrade to "experimental" Gnome-2 or will the capability to
handle standard character sets like ISO 8859-1 be backported to Guppi
versions compatible with current Gnome?

I feel somewhat uneasy when a truly brilliant software, which by itself
appears quite stable, depends on tools in some pre-Alpha state. May I
suggest to amend the gnc docu in BOLD print to discourage the use of
non-ascii characters in all account names.

Thomas Spahni