GNUCash Charts

Christian Stimming
Thu, 07 Feb 2002 13:34:53 +0100

Please don't write to the developers directly but rather send a message 
to the mailing list, since the community of developers can help you much 
  faster and better than any single developer could.

The bug you are describing is a known bug; it was mentioned e.g. here: and 
unfortunately it hasn't been fixed since, see . Currently I can't work on 
it (new job since Feb 1st) but maybe somebody else can have a look at it?

Graham Neal wrote:

> Dear Mr Stimmings, I loaded Gnucash 1.6.2 from my boxed set of Mandrake 
> 8.1 and am very pleased with it and it displays and prints all reports 
> correctly.   It displays all Bar and Pie charts correctly but cuts off 
> all the tops in print preview and printing.   None of the positioning 
> radio buttons in print preview have any effect.   The attached output 
> file shows the problem. The printer is an HP960c.   Can you please help 
> me with a patch or any advice.  Yours sincerely, Graham