Need help after upgrade!

Rusty Carruth
Sat, 9 Feb 2002 14:40:18 -0700 (MST)

"Michael Jay Sherman" <> wrote:
> GNUcash just isn't working for me anymore since I upgraded.   Now when I try to
> open my account, it says it needs to convert from an older version.  Fine, that
> works, and all my data is there.  But when I just try to add a simple transaction
> (payment of the gas bill), it tells me that the transaction has not been
> "balanced", and no matter what I do, I cannot enter the new transaction!  What
> the heck happened?  All I want is a simple running total of my checking account. 
> Subtract when I say it's a withdrawal, add when I say it's a deposit.  How hard
> is that?  It's been working JUST FINE for the last year and a half.  What am I
> doing wrong with this new version (1.6.5)???

I assume the version you used to use did not use double-entry?

Version 1.6.5 (and possibly others) need you to enter two accounts - the
'money from' account and the 'money to' account.

So, lets say I want to write a check for $20 to buy gas for the car.
I'd enter that as $20 FROM the asset account called 'checking' INTO 
the expense account called 'gas for the car' (or some other name
that makes sense to me).

That's the short version.  I'll have to let others give you the long
