Instability in 1.6.5

Dave Williams
15 Feb 2002 22:57:15 -0500

Okay, one thing at a time.  I've been using the program cautiously so
I've avoided the frequent crashing.  But one thing I can't avoid is the
inability to re-use a file.

What I get is some kind of XML parsing problem, listed below.  The
memory references may change, but the facts remain the same.

** WARNING **: string_to_gint64 failed with input: 31

** CRITICAL **: file sixtp.c: line 515 (sixtp_sax_end_handler):
assertion `pdata->parsing_ok' failed.
Error: sixtp_handle_catastrophe: parse failed at 

(stack-frame 0x82c0920
             (parser 0x81a6bf8)
             (tag (null))
             (data-for-children (nil))
             (frame-data (nil)))
  (stack-frame 0x82cf928
               (parser 0x81a6c58)
               (tag gnc-v2)
               (data-for-children (nil))
               (frame-data (nil)))
    (stack-frame 0x82cfa18
                 (parser 0x82c07a8)
                 (tag gnc:count-data)
                 (data-for-children 0x82cfa30)
                 (frame-data 0x82cfa30))

Any thoughts?

- Dave

  If anyone wants some debugging information I'll be happy to send it, but
  unless something obvious is going on I may have to go back to 1.4.  All
  I can guess is that it doesn't seem specific to the package I selected,
  but rather to my system (which isn't running anything mysterious or
  strange, by the way).
 hmm yeah you can try just running in a shell and sending me any relevant
 output....if that doesn't seem sufficient try this:
 gdb gnucash
 and let it crash and send me output if any and I can try to help :)
