Schedule D whereabouts
Frank Murphy
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 22:05:38 +0100
I'm looking at the options for a TXF export, and want to set a
particular account to hold my Long Term Capital Gains Distributions
from a mutual fund.
In the Account/Tax Information dialog, under the Income radio button,
I see Schedule B, C, & F, but no D. I also see under Schedule B the
Ordinary Dividends and cap-gain Distributions. The info about the
cap-gains Distribution looks good. However, the Ordinary Dividends
one says that long-term should be under schedule D. Is this jsut old
I'm trying to figure out what the best account tree would be for
taxable transactions (like Long-term cap-gains). Right now, I have
parallel trees in income and expense (Assets:Fund and Income:Cap
Gains: Fund). Is this a good setup? Is there a better way?
Thanks for any info,