Crossing to a new year (was Re[2]: Extracting Account names)

Fri, 4 Jan 2002 09:43:59 +0100

On 2002-01-03T09:50:50,
   Rusty Carruth <> said:

> So, here's a couple of options I see:
> 1 - do nothing.  Use the date select feature of gnucash for getting
> 	year-based reports.  (Need to investigate to be sure everything
> 	I want to use date-based can be used that way, especially the
> 	'expenses in a year' amounts)

That is what I have decided on doing for now. (Of course, I only started using
gnucash 3 months ago, so my data set isn't too large)

All reports take a date range, so this is perfectly workable. The only one
which doesn't is the main account view, which always lists global totals, as
well as the "Net Assets" status line; however, this can be thought of as a
feature ;-)

I am unsure how well this scales with more data in gnucash, but I am confident
that my system will get faster until the end of the year... ;-)

"I'm extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end."
        -- Margeret Thatcher