reconciliation and sub-accounts

Rusty Carruth
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 08:23:38 -0700 (MST)

Steve Petersen <> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> First, thanks again everyone for a great program--it's really thanks to
> gnucash that I haven't had to boot Micro$oft in months.
> I have sub-accounts to my checking accounts that are sort of "virtual";
> I use them to keep track of savings goals and the like.  The
> transactions to these sub-accounts always show up in the reconciliation
> window, though.  How do I "reconcile" these accounts while balancing
> with my bank statement?

You need a fairly recent version of gnucash (I (think I) know that 4.6.1
has the feature - in any case, the version included with Mandrake 8.2 
(1.6.5) has this feature, as I just checked it.

Then, all you do is select the checking account itself, and when you
say 'reconcile', make sure you select the 'include subaccounts' check
box when you check the statement date and ending balance.  

Upgrading gnucash can be painful.  If you are using mandrake, I'd say
just upgrade to Mandrake 8.2, its probably easier (especially if you do
it like I do, which is to have 3 partitions - the current version of
the OS, the previous version, and /home.  'Upgrade' by installing the new
version in the 'previous version' partition...)
