Plugins, modules oe similar functionality
Linas Vepstas
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 14:00:43 -0500
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On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 03:51:27PM +0200, Michele Ravani was heard to remar=
> Hi
> I've tried to find information (docs, website, ...) about how to bind new
> scm modules into gnucash and have the functionality they implement to
> appear in the application (hope it is clear what I mean).
You should post this message to gnucash-devel.
I beleive that there is a sample module called "foo", and that's=20
probably a good starting point.
I'm not sure if there are docs; maybe someone else can answer that.
> What I would like to (try to) do, is to implement an importer for the
> transaction data I can download from my bank, which are simple
> position=3Dmeaning records. The optimal would be to be able to do this in=
> more or less generic way (dunno if I will be able to), so that one could
> use it for a whole class of file formats.
> Could you please point me in the right direction?
> Some info on the GUI bindings of scm would also be very useful.
> I do realize that could be one of the famous RTFM cases, but ... please?
> Thanks
> --=20
> Michele Ravani
> "Those who live hoping, die singing" My Gran
pub 1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) <>
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