New Person Questions
Robert Uhl <>
12 Jun 2002 02:09:16 -0600
Aaron Goldblatt <> writes:
> How can I set up an accounting period so that accounts that should
> be zeroed (like expense accounts) or accounts that shouldn't be
> zeroed (like bank checking accounts) can have older transactions
> hidden from immediate view? Archival of past balances and
> multi-period reporting would also be most helpful. Does such
> functionality exist, and if so, what is it called so I can RTFM
> about it?
It doesn't exist yet, but I believe that it's planned. For now, what
I do is every year move my current account from finances.gnucash to
finances.gnucash-$YEAR. I then open that file and export the accounts
to finances.gnucash. Then I go through and set all my assets and
liabilities, drawing from a carryover account.
Yes, this is a fair amount of pain. And yes, it'd make a lot more
sense for GnuCash to handle this--then one could see a monthly, yearly
or even by-decade view of one's finances. Like budgeting and
recurring transactions, it's one of those things which _really_ needs
working on. I'd work on it, except I've so little time--I'm busy on
my own project.
Robert Uhl <>
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