QIF Import

Paul Lussier plussier@mindspring.com
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 18:33:58 -0400

In a message dated: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 20:47:06 +0200
Todd Kokoszka said:

>With the QIF import, I noticed that some transactions were placed into
>incorrect accounts -- one of the two accounts I think was always right, but
>occassionally the other was wrong.
>Have people noticed that Gnucash will lose transcations during the import or
>just misplace them like above?

Well, I haven't noticed any major problems with QIF import, and I use 
that feature pretty heavily.  However, I have a tendancy to 
hand-massage my QIF files very heavily prior to importation.  You can 
usually tell if things are going to go smoothly before "committing" 
to the import.  I'll go through the beginning stages 3 or 4 times,
tweaking the QIF file in between until I get it just right.

Occasionally, for really tricky imports, I'll even import them into a 
test chart of accounts before importing into my real data file just 
to be sure.

Learning to read the QIF file and how to manipulate it is a useful 
talent to have.  For the amount I do in GnuCash, it's saved me a lot 
of frustration by being able to coax those files into Gnucash 
correctly the first time vs. having to go look for things and correct 

I hope that helps.  If not, or you have problems with your QIF files, 
let me know, I'm happy help!

	It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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