QIF Import

Todd Kokoszka kokostm@auburn.edu
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:28:17 +0200

On Thu 20 Jun 2002 at 18:33:58 -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> In a message dated: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 20:47:06 +0200
> Todd Kokoszka said:
> >Have people noticed that Gnucash will lose transcations during the import or
> >just misplace them like above?
> Well, I haven't noticed any major problems with QIF import, and I use 
> that feature pretty heavily.  However, I have a tendancy to 
> hand-massage my QIF files very heavily prior to importation.  You can 
> usually tell if things are going to go smoothly before "committing" 
> to the import.  I'll go through the beginning stages 3 or 4 times,
> tweaking the QIF file in between until I get it just right.
> Occasionally, for really tricky imports, I'll even import them into a 
> test chart of accounts before importing into my real data file just 
> to be sure.
> Learning to read the QIF file and how to manipulate it is a useful 
> talent to have.  For the amount I do in GnuCash, it's saved me a lot 
> of frustration by being able to coax those files into Gnucash 
> correctly the first time vs. having to go look for things and correct 
> them.
> I hope that helps.  If not, or you have problems with your QIF files, 
> let me know, I'm happy help!
> -- 

Thanks for your response. I imported all my Quicken accts about a week ago
and have spent the past week straightening them out. I was just going to
scan through them, looking for misplaced transactions (not that many
really), and I don't want to compare each transaction in a Quicken acct to
my Gnucash acct. (I get a little anal about finances.) Do you think it's
necessary to check each transaction?

Thanks again,


> Seeya,
> Paul
> ----
> 	It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
>    but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.
> 	 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!
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Todd Kokoszka
Mobileway France
Puteaux, France

Tel: 33(01) 41 44 30 60