Stock qty entry

David Hampton
24 Jun 2002 23:37:24 -0700

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On Mon, 2002-06-10 at 08:05, John L. Turner wrote:
> Is there something wrong in the STOCK ledger entries window ?
> I enter 900.00 shares and it changes it to 9

What version of gnucash, on what OS and distribution?

By any chance do you have 'automatic decimal point' enabled?

> Is there a step by step how to about stock purchases ?

Not that I know about.

> How to enter Existing stock, at time of first startup of using GnuCash?

If you are entering a stock that you purchased before you started using
gnucash, you should use Equity:Opening Balances as the transfer account.
If you are buying a stock since you started using gnucash, you should
use the account where the money came from as your transfer account.

> I wanted to enter my stocks, and balance with a transfer from the Equity=20
> Account, but it seems like the data entry line does not let me set the to=
> shares and the share price.

The data entry line will let you set two of the three values (number of
shares, price per share, total value) and will compute the third.


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